The Everton Collection Charitable Trust is an independent charity set up to preserve and promote Everton F.C.'s unique heritage.
Everton are famous for their long and celebrated history in football. Thanks to Heritage Lottery funding, The Everton Collection Charitable Trust has already helped preserve that history by acquiring, cataloguing, conserving and promoting the world's most complete collection of football memorabilia — The Everton Collection.
This extensive work is performed by respected heritage professionals and as such comes at a cost. As our Heritage Lottery funding expires in 2011, without continued fundraising the work of the Trust would be significantly impaired. To ensure Everton's unique football heritage is preserved and the work of the Trust continues we now need your support to:
- Help the Trust continue adding unique memorabilia to the Collection by purchasing items at auction or through private sales to make it as complete as possible
- Support the costs of expert conservation work on specific items
- Continue developing, supporting and maintaining the Trust' website — www.evertoncollection.org.uk — and adding more online features
- Digitise more items from the Collection, so more images are available for you to see on the website
- Help The Everton Collection Learning programme grow even further, so Everton's unique heritage reaches more schools and children
- Offer more exhibitions with more Everton treasures on display
- Hold more events and talks about the Collection and the history of Everton F.C.
There are various ways you can support The Everton Collection Charitable Trust:
- DONATE ONLINE at the Trust's secure justgiving page - www.justgiving.com/evertoncollection
- BUY EVERTON COLLECTION PRODUCTS. Replica Everton Collection medals, including the 1890/91 League Championship 'Liver Bird' medal are now available to buy, with a proportion of sale proceeds going to the Trust. A proportion of proceeds from sales of Peter Lupson's acclaimed book, 'Across the Park' will also go to the Trust:
- Buy your Everton Collection medals here
- Buy Peter Lupson's 'Across the Park' here
- ATTEND EVERTON COLLECTION FUNDRAISING EVENTS, from charity dinners to golf days — see News & Events section on the home page for announcements.
Many thanks for your support.
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See Collection at Liverpool Record Office