38 Cup tie prices Resolved that the ordinary 2/- & Shareholders stands be reserved & numbered for the Cup tie v Sunderland at 2/6 & 4/-. Postponed The Secretary was instructed to endeavour matches to for up with Manchester U. @ Feby. 21 Aston Villa @ Mch. 29 failing the latter arrangement that date be given to Notts County. To arrange with Villa for the pooling of gates. The A team game was reported. Alterations The Secretary having read Mr. Leitch's letters of the 2nd & 8th inst it was resolved that a special meeting of the Directors be held here at 2.30 pm on Tuesday next to go into the a/cs with & hear the explanations of Mr. Leitch. Woolwich The Secretary reported Cup tie Receipts 843.3.7 Ref. & Linesmen 6 3 0 Police 4 10 9 Posting &c 10 16 8 Fares 18 3 . F. A. 42 3 . Woolwich 380 13 7 Everton 380 13 7 -------------- -------------- 843 .3. 7 843 . 3 . 7 -------------- --------------- Confirmed & payment of £398.16.7 & £42.3.0 to Woolwich & F A passed.