
Storey		The Secretary was instructed to continue
		the weekly engagement of Edwin Storey
		as assistant grounds man.

Training for	Resolved that home training be confirmed
Cup tie		under Messrs Bainbridge Kelly Wade
		& Whitford.

Representative	Mr Kirkwood was deputed to represent
to F A Mtg.	the club at the Special Meeting of the
		F. A. re wages & Bonus Rules.

Freeman		The F. A. having enquired if Freeman
S. African 	would be available for a South African
tour		Tour from May 8 to August 29 it was
		resolved that they be notified that
		we would object as it would leave
		Freeman no time for preparation for
		next season.

Billiard	The Secretary reported the delivery of
Table &c	table &c from Mr Norris & it was decided
		to erect same upstairs & the Committee
		appointed were deputed to prepare a
		report as to players table.

Gault		The payment of £50 to Jarrow Caledonians
		the fee for the transfer of W E Gault was

Players		The Secretary was instructed to insure
Insurance	Allan Gault Macfarlane & Wright & to
		pay the necessary premiums.

						D Kirkwood