25 A Berry It being reported that Mr. Arthur Berry, the Amateur, outside right of Fulham, being desirous of a change & of coming to our Club and the Secretary having reported that he believed that Fulham would transfer him to us he was instructed to write Fulham requesting such transfer & too see Mr. A. Berry and offer him the outside right position in the Combination team with a view to his proving his worth for inclusion in the League team. Director on Gate Dr. Whitford. " to Preston Mr. Wilson. Young Resolved that we do not negotiate with any Clubs for the transfer of this player. New Players The Secretary read a letter from Mr. W. Nelson re the outside right mentioned by him to Messrs Kirkwood & Bainbridge on Saturday last & he was instructed to ask Settle to go & see him play on Saturday next & report. Consideration of the following Players was deferred. Cannon, Right Back of Turton. O'Brien outside left of Leith Athletic Hndspeth. Brindley & Cookes report on these Crewe Alexandra players, was Williamson that they were very poor. The Secretary reported that several Clubs had applied for free admission for their players to tomorrows Cup Tie & that whilst he had consented Middlesbro had objected.