24 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Tuesday January 18th 1910] Present The Full Board Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Neave The Secretary reported that the deputation had Greenaway not gone to Woolwich, as that Club had intimated that they would not negotiate. Webster The Secretary reported that Webster on being informed that his trial would not be further extended, expressed great disappointment & the hope that the Directors would give him a further two weeks trial. The Secretary having read the letter to that effect from Webster, it was resolved that he have a further two weeks trial, provided Leicester Fosse Consented. Reports The Cup Tie at Middlesbro', the Combination Team v Liverpool & the third team match were reported. The Secretary reported that the gross receipts in the Cup Tie were £625.13.9. The Doctors reports were read The Trainers made their reports Team v Scott Middlesbro' Clifford Maconnachie replay Harris Taylor Makepeace Sharp White Freeman Young Barlow Teams for Resolved that the selection of these team be Saturday’s matches deferred until tomorrow evening.