22 Warrant for £35.0.5 on L'pool Corpon Stock & that same had been placed to our credit. THE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION. PATRON: HIS MAJESTY THE KING. PRESIDENT: THE RIGHT HON. LORD KINNAIRD. SECRETARY: F. J. WALL, F.C.I.S. 104, High Holborn, TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION, LONDON. London, W. C., 10th January, 1910. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS BETWEEN CLUBS & PLAYERS. At the last Annual Meeting of the Association the Council recommended various alterations of Rules relating to the financial arrangements between Clubs and Players Which were not carried although supported by a large majority. Since that meeting there have been differences with Players which it is hoped are now settled. The terms, which were submitted by the Players and accepted by the Council, included a request that the Council should continue to press for the removal of the financial arrangements from the Rules, and that a Special General Meeting Should be held at an early date to again consider the proposals. The Council at its Meeting on the 6th December, 1909, passed the following Resolutions:- The Officers were asked to prepare and issue to every member of the Association a memorandum explanatory of the proposals for the deletion of the Rules relating to the financial arrangements between Clubs and Players Which were to be submitted to the Special General Meeting on the 7th February, 1910. The Council also decided that the necessary steps should be taken to ascertain by ballot the views of the Clubs and the Professional Players of The Football League and the Southern League upon the proposals to delete the Rules. Professionalism was recognised in the year 1885, but for the next 16 years the Rules of the Association were silent as to the wages question. It was therefore permissible for Clubs to pay to Players such wages or other remuneration as might be mutually arranged between them. At the General Meeting of the Association held in May, 1901, Rules relating to a maximum wage and other financial regulations were adopted.