17 Team v Berry St. Helens Maconnachie Bardsley Allan Weller Rafferty Macfarlane, Lacey, Jones, Gourlay Mountford Directors to Messrs Bainbridge, Wade, Kelly, Kirkwood, Tottenham Clayton, Davies. Director on Gate Dr. Baxter. Medical officer The Secretary read letter from Dr. W H Wright tendering his resignation as Surgeon to the Club, to take effect at the end of Season. Resolved that same be accepted. Benefit matches Resolved that the League match versus Chelsea on the 19th March be fixed for the benefit of W Scott & J Sharp, subject to permission of the F. A. the amount of respective guarantees to be subsequently decided. Marriott Fund The Secretary reported the receipt of a cheque for £37.19.0 the amount received in respect of sale of Tickets & Donations by Mr. P. W. Brooks, also that the gross cash gate receipts amounted to £14.0.0 & Donations £3.5.0 making a grand total of £55.4.0 cheque for that amount was ordered to be sent to Mrs. Marriott. An application for the use of our ground, on the 15th inst. prior to the Everton-L'pool Combination match, from the Liverpool Elementary Schools Football Association, was declined. D Kirkwood