16 Wallsend on Saturday, but on the exhibition given by Hudspeth, at Right Half Back, they could not recommend his engagement, but suggested that he be seen again. They were however favourably impressed Gault with Gault, (5'6½", 10 st. 4 lbs., 19 years of age.) the centre forward of Willington Athletic and endeavour to effect his engagement up to 50/- per week & on the best terms for the Club were deputed to the Secretary. Training Resolved that the team for Saturday go to West Kirby tomorrow walking from Meols. Irish trial Resolved that Mr. Kirkwood & the Secretary go game. to Belfast tonight to see the Irish trial game with full powers as to the engagement of the outside left, recommended by the Irish F. A. Douglas of Chelsea Resolved that those Directors going to London & Neave & Greenway arrange to see these players play with full of Woolwich Arsenal powers as to Greenway & Neave & to report re Douglas. Allocation of The Directors Seats were allotted as follows:- Directors Seats 1 & 2 The Secretary 3 & 4 Mr. Davies 5 & 6 -"- Kirkwood 7 & 8 -"- Wade 9 & 10 -"- Wilson 11 & 12 Dr. Baxter 13 & 14 Mr. Clayton 15 & 16 -"- Bainbridge 17 & 18 Dr. Whitford 19 & 20 Mr. Kelly Team v Scott Tottenham Clifford Stevenson Harris Taylor Makepeace Sharp, Coleman, Freeman, White, Turner.