
		[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park
		January 4th 1910]

Presents		     D. Kirkwood Esq     Chair
		      Messrs	Bainbridge

Minutes		The minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed
		as were also the minutes of the finance meeting.

Assessment	The Secretary was instructed to pay the Poor Rate
Appeal		amounting to £294.17.8.

Billiard Rooms	Resolved that the previous resolution of fixing the
		centre room as a Billiard Room be rescinded
		and that end room be fitted up as a Billiard Room,
		it being reported that the players favourably viewed
		the fitting up of the room over Counting House and
		Dressing Room as a Billiard Room, the same be
		proceeded with & tenders for the work be obtained.
Press Box	The Secretary reported that the Press representatives
		preferred remaining on the west side of the ground.
Lanc. Cup	The Secretary was instructed to submit the names of
		Mr. Kirkwood & Dr. Whitford as guarantors for the
		safe custody of the Cup.
Reports		Dr. Broads report was read.
		The trainers made their reports.
		The League & Combination games were reported.
		Mr. Bainbridge & Dr. Whitford reported their visit to