
		The Secretary was instructed to write
		Robert Balmer as to his absence &
		the non receipt of his explanations.

Team v				Scott
Bury			Clifford	Maconnachie
		    Harris	Taylor	     Makepeace
		Sharp   Coleman   Freeman   White   Young
		G H Barlow Reserve.

Bury Res.	 		Berry
		      Osborne		Pratt
		  Allan		Weller		Rafferty
		Michaels   Lacey   Jones   Gourlay   Mountford

Director to Bury Mr. Wilson.
	on Gate  Mr. Kelly.

		The Secretary read letter & wire from S.
		Settle re a half back and Messrs
		Whitford & Bainbridge were instructed to
		go to Wallsend on Saturday to see him
		play with full powers.

Insurance of	The Secretary submitted a proposal for
loss of		insurance of loss of profits in case of
profits		fire but same was not entertained.

Press box	It was mentioned that representatives of
		the press complained of the insufficient
		facilities in the new press box  & the
		Secretary was instructed to offer to 
		transfer them to their recent temporary