8 ------------- -------------- 1656.0 0 146. 0 0 ------------- -------------- Assessment was £1095 £985 Raised to £2457 £1966 Reduced to £1952 £1700 Mr. Cleaver agreed that the true basis of valuation was that upon Land and Buildings rather than upon income and expenditure, and offered to settle the assessment for this year, and in order to avoid litigation, upon the second basis of valuation before mentioned viz £1551 and £1361. The Secretary advised the acceptance of this offer to settle for this year and having reported that the Solicitors to the Co also advised the settlement it was resolved that the terms of settlement be accepted for this year. Billiard The Secretary having read Tables a. Messrs Ashcrofts estimates b. Mr Norris' letters offering his Billiard outfit & settees delivered here for £125. It was resolved that Mr Norris be offered £105 for same and that before a second table is purchased, Messrs Davies Kirkwood, & Baxter, with Dr Whitford added, go into the matter of site for Billiard room and the supply of table &c for the players and report at a subsequent meeting. Reid The Secretary reported his visit to Glasgow