7 [Meeting of Directors held at The Exchange Station Hotel Decr. 21st 1909] Present The full Board. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Banchope The Secretary reported that Bancope had just turned 26 years of age. It was also mentioned that his abilities were greater than would appear from the last minute thereon. Adamson The Secretary reported the transfer of this player to Bolton Wanderers at a fee of £800. Assessment The Secretary reported that in response appeal to an invitation he had had an interview with Mr. H. P. Cleaver. That Mr. Cleaver had given him the following bases of valuation :- Valuation based on actual cost :- Land £8580 @ 4% 343 5% 326 . . Bldgs. £18828 @ 6% 1129 15% 960 . . ------ ------- 1472 1286 ------ ------- Valuation based on Land at 10/- per yard Land 21099 yds. @ 10/- = £10549 @ 4% 422 401 . . Bldgs. £18828 @ 6% 1129 960 . . --------- ------ 1551 1361 --------- ------ Valuation based @ 12/6 per yard Land £13186 4% 527 500 . . Buildings as before 1129 960 --------- ------ . .