
Director on gate	Dr. Whitford.
	to Chorley	None unless Mr. Wilson could go.

Assessment	The Secretary reported that the Solicitors
Appeal		having written that Notice of Appeal had
		been prepared for services & that expert
		witnesses should be obtained, & that the
		hearing of the appeal would take place
		at Quarter Sessions on January 6 he had
		instructed them to obtain the services of
		Mr. Henry Hartley. His action was approved.

Winston Hotel	The Secretary reported that he had written
		Threlfalls denying liability.

Billiard	The Secretary reported that Mr. Norris had
Table		wired offering to accept £125 for his
		table, accessories fittings & furniture
		but that the Committee appointed had
		not met it was decided to await their
		report thereon.

Hooper		The Secretary reported that his offer of £300
		for the transfer of Hooper had been declined.

Reid		The Secretary read Rangers reply to his
		enquiry & he was instructed to go to
		Glasgow & arrange for his transfer up to

Presentation to	Resolved that a dinner be given in Tuesday
Mr. Clayton	next at 7 p.m. at the Exchange Station Hotel
		and that the presentation to Mr. Clayton be
		made thereat. The players staff & the