Threlfalls (Winston Hotel) 3. Training 5, 9, 31, 167, 209, 233, 246, 253. Transfer of shares 10, 14, 21, 46, 73, 105, 129. Telegraphic Address 39. Transfer of Players 54, 227. Thursday Cup 73. Tweddle 87, 94. Thompson Frank 91, 105, 234, 241. Taylor 94. Trains Ground 96. Turner 112. Trainer 128, 141, 146. Turnstiles 128. Tranmere Rovers 129, 141. Turner M. 129. Thomson D. 130, 132, 198, 202, 207, 216. Theatrical Gala 159, 168. Taylor J. D. 177. Tearoom 204. Telephone 218.