296 Freeman Tottenham Hotspur declined to negotiate for Freeman. Gourlay Fulham offered £600 for Gourlay & it was decided to accept £700. Spratt Garner reported very favorably on this player but would like to see him again. Empire Day The use of the ground on June 3rd was granted. Reports The League & friendly games were reported. The Trainers made their reports. v Villa Wm. Scott Steavenson Maconnachie Harris Young Makepeace Beare Jefferis Fleetwood Young Lacey Gourlay Res. v Rovers Res. Berry Balmer Meunier Allan Weller Grenyer Chedgzoy Pinkney Murray Gault Freeman On Gate to B'gham Transfer list Freeman at a minimum of £500. Tottenham Resolved team go to London on Sunday. Gracey Mr. Kirkwood & the Secretary Were