295 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park March 21 1911.] Present All directors except Messrs Bainbridge & Clayton. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Jefferis The engagement of Frank Jefferis at £4 per week £10 Bonus with a transfer fee of £750 to Southampton was confirmed. Buchan The Secretary reported that this player had been transferred to Sunderland. Salmon Mr. Davis reported that this player was not worth our attention. McKey The Secretary reported seeing this Half back of Scotswood but could not recommend him. McIntosh This centre half of Hull City was strongly recommended & Messrs Whitford & Wilson were deputed to see him play at Wolverhampton & report. Fixtures The arrangement to play Villa on the 27th inst. was approved & the Secretary instructed to fix up with Blackburn Rovers, L'pool Reserve & for L'pool Cup & Colne.