292 Secretary was instructed to go North & see them play. Use of ground April 29 was substituted for May 6 for Schoolboys match. Fixtures The kickoff v Notts Forest on Good Friday was fixed for 2.15 For Rochdale on Easter Monday at 11 am. The Secretarys action in accepting Villas offer to play at Birmingham on the 25th inst. was confirmed. Reports The League & Combination games were reported. Scott Wm. Attended the meeting & was repremanded for inattention to training. Gourlay The Secretary reported an offer from Fulham of £400 & same was declined & his price raised to £800. Freeman Was ordered to be placed on the transfer list at £800. Team v Walter Scott Bradford Balmer Maconnachie Allan Young Makepeace Beare Fleetwood Gourlay Young Lacey Lacey to be allowed to play for Ireland if he wish.