279 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park February 21st 1911] Present All same Mr. Kelly away with team. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Reports The assistant trainer made his report. The League & Combination Games were reported. Internatl. The Amateur International Wales v England was reported & that. Roberts Outside right of Mold was only fair Dines Half back was fair & should be seen again. Fleetwood J. D. Taylor recommended that these two Grierson Rochdale forwards were well worth our attention. The Secretary was instructed to ask for the first refusal of the former. A. Berry The Secretary reported his conversation with Berry & it was resolved that he be asked to go to Blackpool tomorrow. The report from Blackpool was received per telephone. Mr. Bainbridge spoke favorably of the play of Wood inside left Lomas Centre Forward and Seeburg Left Half of Burnley.