266 Director on Gate Messrs Kelly. to M'chester Various. Directors to Blackpool As before Cup tie Resolved we engage the L'pool N. E. Silver Prize Band. The Secretary reported the Crystal Palace tie that our receipts were £204.8.11 with £11.18.4 travelling expenses. Turner Resolved that Turner be transferred to Leicester Fosse at the for price paid to them for him. The Secretary was instructed to pay 13/- to the Palace Checkers and £ 6.7.8 to A. Berry and to renew the Telegraphic Address at 21/- And to allow our players to take part in a match at L'pool v Manchester in aid of the Theatrical Gala if the game be played in the 16th or 30th prox. S. Gregory The Secretary read letter threatening proceedings herein & he was instructed to accept service of writ. Chitwood And to press Chester F. C. for payment herein.