260 McDonald That McDonald of L'pool was open to transfer & he was instructed to make enquiries. Dines That an Amateur named Dines was Bradford desirous of a trial & he was instructed City to ascertain for which club he had & played and to Communicate with same Ilford & arrange for a trial. Goodison That the Solicitors to the Co. advised that we Avenue had no power to make an entrance to the ground from Goodison Avenue without consent. Fixtures That Accrington Stanley desired to postpone our match with them for Feby. 4 and consent was given. Bonuses That under the League Rules it was lawful to pay £22 to the players who won the 1st round of the English Cup & the Secretary was instructed to pay £2 to each player who took part therein. Alterations That the Representatives of the Building Surveyor had called & intimated that proceedings would be instituted unless his requirements were carried out forthwith & Mr. Kelly & the Secretary were deputed to attend to this at once. Training Resolved that the team spend a week at Blackpool going there direct from Manchester on the 28th inst.