252 [Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel January 3rd 1911] Present All except Dr. Baxter. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Wr. Scott Walter Scott appeared & was severely reprimanded by the Chairman for absenting himself from training & for his behaviour on the field & the Secretary was instructed to pay him the arrears of salary. Gourlay The Secretary read his & Gourlay's statements to the F.A. & same were approved. T. Jones The Secretary reported that Birminghams F.C.'s bill for £150 had now been met. Colliery disaster And that Borthwick had played in the match today at Bolton in place of R. Young unfit. McLean Dr. Whitford reported the visit of Mr. Kirkwood & himself to Manchester on Saturday last hereon and it was resolved That provided the Directors to Preston on Saturday next were unanimous in desiring McLean's services that negotiations up to £1000 be reopened.