244 [Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel Decr. 20th 1910] Present All the Directors. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. North goal The Secretary read letter from Town Clerk Stand suspending the notice to recover the roof until further notice. Also a letter from the Building Surveyor re alteration of doors on South & West stands. Couper Also a letter from Couper that he had no intention of leaving Edinburgh at present. D. McLean The Secretary reported. a. The visit of deputation to Preston on the 14th inst. b. The agreement of the Board to increase their offer of £750 to £1000. c. The Secretary's interview with Mc Lean & that he would consider the matter & decide on Monday. d. The receipt of letter from McLean postponing his decision for a week or two. Resolved that negotiations cease & that our offer be withdrawn. Reports The transfer report was made. The League & Combination games were reported.