241 v St. Helens Berry Recs. Thomson Bardsley Weller Taylor W. Davies Chedgzoy Pinkney Murray Grenyer Turner Directors to Sheffd. Messrs Wade, Bainbridge & Wilson on gate Mr. Clayton. Next meeting Tuesday 3 pm. Bradford Hotel. Away game Applications having been made by for Dec. 27 Egremont F.C. & Tower Amateurs for a visit from us on the 27th inst resolved we play a combined team or that they toss, we to pay our own expenses. Final tie The Secretary was instructed to purchase 24 ring seats and 24 5/- seats for the final tie. Claim by The Secretary read letter from Sydney S. Gregory Gregory for injuries sustained as he alleged on our ground on 23 Febry. 1907 & he was instructed to deny liability. A. Berry Cheque for £5.2.6 in payment of A. Berry expenses for November was passed. F. Thompson This Amateur wrote asking for his League transfer & the Secretary was instructed to forward same. Cup ties The Secretary read letter suggesting Crystal Palace prices for this cup tie & same were