229 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park November 21st 1910] Present All except Dr. Baxter. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Bowie The Secretary was instructed to again write Queens Park hereon. Clennel Messrs Davies, Wade, Whitford, Kelly & the Secretary were deputed to go to Blackpool with full power herein. Reports The League & Combination games were reported. Team v Wm. Scott Notts Forest Stevenson R. Balmer Harris Young Makepeace Beare Berry Young Gourlay Barlow Reserves Meunier, Lacey. v Rochdale Wr. Scott Glossop R. Clifford Bardsley Allan Taylor L. Davies Pinkney Gault Magner Grenyer Mountford Directors to Notts Messrs Bainbridge & Clayton " on gate Mr. Kirkwood. Chedgzoy The Secretary recommended this outside right of Burnells & it was resolved