225 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Novr. 15th 1910] Present All the directors Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Bowie The Secretary read letter hereon from Queens Park F.C. dated the 11th inst. Devine The deputation to Bradford reported unfavorably on Devine & it was resolved not to proceed further. McDonald Resolved that if McDonald is played in Bradford first XI Taylor be sent to report on his play. North goal stand The Secretary read the City Building Surveyor's letter of the 11th inst. Clennel Messrs Clayton & Davies reported their visit to Blackpool and recommended that Clennel be engaged. Morley Morley do Gladwin Gladwin be seen again. Resolved that the directors to Blackford tomorrow be empowered to go to £250 to secure the transfer of Clennel. Beare The Secretary reported his attendance at the Joint League meeting hereon & that the fee placed by Southampton was reduced to £25 & this sum was ordered to be paid