221 [Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel, November 10th 1910.] Present All but Dr. Baxter. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Bowie The Secretary read letter from Queens Park FC dated the 3rd inst. Tip up chairs And reported that the completion of the order was being proceeded with. Devine Messrs Wade & Wilson were unable to recommend this player. Beare The engagement of this player at a salary of £3, Bonus of £5 and a transfer fee of £300 to Blackpool was confirmed. Dawson The Secretary reported the visit of himself & J. D. Taylor to Newbarn on Saturday but could not recommend this North Shields centre forward but Grenyer that Grenyer who played left half impressed them with his abilities. The decision of the Emergency meeting of Monday to engage this player was confirmed as was the subsequent engagement at 50/- per week with a bonus of £5 & a transfer fee of £125