218 Lanc. Cup tie The Secretary reported that cheque for £27.17.7 had been received from Blackpool as our share of Cup tie receipts & expenses. W. White That he had received £250 on a/c & 3 months Bill for £250 from Fulham. Hotpot Francis' tender of £8.10.0 for providing Hotpot supper was accepted. Quinn An application by Hamilton Ac. as for the free transfer of Jno. Quinn was declined. The payment of £2.3.6 the premium on insurance against accident was passed. The Secretary was instructed to increase the insurance of office & boardroom furniture from £100 to £500. Telephone And to arrange for a further 900 calls for 36/-. And to accept the tender of the Corporation to supply electric radiator for the players Billiard room for £7.17.0. And to grant the use of our ground on Nov. 14 for the Semifinal tie of the L'pool Midweek F. Hospital Cup Competition. Notice The Secretary reported the receipt from