216 [Meeting of Directors at Goodison Park, Novr. 1 1910] Present All save Messrs Bainbridge & Baxter. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Macaulay The Secretary reported that Macaulay had accepted a position in Huddersfield. F. Thompson The Secretary reported the receipt of an application by Queens Park for permission to approach Thomson. Bowie That he had in reply asked permission to approach Bowie & that Queens had wired that Bowie did not wish to leave them. Resolved that permission be given to approach Thomson conditionally upon the transfer by them to us of him in case we required him in the future. Tip Up Chairs The decision to complete the share holders stand with tip up Chairs & to place the back row at the extreme rear & have the passage in front of same was confirmed. The Secretary’s action in ordering a supply of Nos. @ 2/- for doz. & letters @ 3/- per doz. was approved.