210 Dividend a/c The Secretary was instructed to transfer the debit from Dividend a/c to General a/c. Foul language The Secretary was instructed to have notices posted around the ground re foul language throwing &c. The Secretary was instructed to send Taylor to see Dawson play on Saturday & report. The Secretary read letter of thanks from Lanc. Combn. re Everton v Glossop. The Secretary reported our assessment for Income tax (Sched. A) at £1292 10. Notice attached. The Secretary read J. S. Maconnachie's report on the progress of the players Technical class & he was instructed to express the pleasure of the Board thereat. Middlehurst having quoted 7/6 per bushel of 26 lbs. in 8 bushel sacks. He was instructed to obtain one sack. The Secretary was instructed to send a donation of Five pounds to the A. Kennedy Fund. William Whitford.