
		The Secretary was instructed to arrange
		for a cupboard for keeping the School
Players		requisites.
library		A grant of £5 was made to the proposed
		player's library fund.

Limit		Resolved that the limit wage be given
Wage		for League & F.A. Cup matches only.

		The Secretary was instructed to ask
Plan of		Mr. Leitch to prepare a plan of the
Ground &c.	ground & to enquire cost if any.

Continental	The consideration of a Continental
Tour		Tour was deferred.

Plans of	The Secretary was instructed to have plans
Seats		of all seating accommodation.

E. Berry	The Secretary was instructed to extend
		an invitation to Mr. Edwin Berry to
		visit all our matches & that if he
		wishes to pay his own rail fare. We
		would submit but that in all other
		respects he must come as the guest of
		the club.

Players		The Secretary was instructed to ascertain
Billiard room	the cost of an electric stove for the players
		Billiard room.

Training	Resolved the team train at Woolton on