195 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Septr. 27 1910] All directors present. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. White The Secretary reported that White had been offered to Fulham at £500 & that Mr. Kelso intended to be present at this meeting. Mr. Kelso subsequently attended & the payment was arranged as to £250 down & the balance by a 3 months bill. Ness The Secretary reported that Ness asked 50/- per week with £10 bonus to become a professional & he was instructed to offer him £2 & £5. Sykes Ref. The Secretary was instructed to request the League M. Cee. to refrain from appointing Mr. Sykes as Referee in out matches. Reports The League & Combination games were reported. The trainers made their reports. The Secretary read letters from Addisons Ltd. re tip up seats & as to alteration of position of seats in 4th