191 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Septr. 20 1910] Present All the Directors. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Billiard The Committee reported the purchase Table from Ashcrofts of a secondhand table & all accessories including electric hanging lights for £45 Confirmed. Yorke The Secretary reported his visit to Bishop Auckland to see Yorke play but did not recommend him. Martin The Secretary read the reports of C. J. Hughes & A. Berry hereon but it was resolved not to offer him an engage- ment. Reports The League & Combination games were reported. The Trainers & Doctors made their reports. Team v Wm. Scott M'chester R. Balmer J. S. Maconnachie United T. Harris R. Young H. Makepeace A. Berry W. Tarry A. Young J. Gourlay R. Turner G. H. Barlow Reserve.