183 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Septr. 6 1910] Present Dr Whitford Chair Messrs Bainbridge Davies Kirkwood Wade Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Tip up chairs The Secretary reported that he had accepted the sample chairs last submitted by Addison & Co. at 4/9 each and had instructed them to proceed at once with the work omitting for the present the last 3 rows of the Shareholder stand & that he had asked for a sample number plate at 3 each Confirmed. Billiard tables Resolved that this matter be left in the hands of Messrs Baxter, Davies, Kirkwood & the Secretary to examine and report. Reports The Secretary reported that the gross gate v Tottenham was £471.5.4 & versus Oswestry £13.7.11 and that he had paid Oswestry £6.14.0. That the game v Bootle League had resulted in a win for us by 4 to 8. That Ness & Durkin both played very promisingly.