179 [Meeting of Directors held at Hotel St. George August 29 1910] Present D. Whitford Chair Messrs Baxter Bainbridge Clayton Davies Kelly Kirkwood Minutes The minutes of last meeting & of the Finance meeting were read & confirmed. Tip up chairs The Secretary read his letter of the 26th inst. to Addison & Co. & their reply of the 27th inst. and reported that Messrs Bainbridge, Kelly, & he together with Mr. Leitch had today met the representatives of the Co. after pointing out that the sample chairs as fixed would not suit. Mr. Leitch suggested alterations which were then carried out and after inspection thereof it was arranged that Messrs Addison make three sample chairs of such altered pattern and have same fixed ready for inspection by the Directors on Thursday afternoon. This was confirmed. Ness The Secretary reported the arrival of this player. Bootle League The Secretary reported that this ground