
Martin		The Secretary read application from this
		South African International Goalkeeper
		for an engagement. Declined.

J. D. Taylor	The Secretary read an application from
		J. D. Taylor for a benefit. Resolved that
		we were not prepared to consider
		the question of benefits at present.

Chetwood	Representatives of Chester attended
		hereon and it was agreed to give
		Chester the Combination transfer only if
		B. Chetwood for £25 payment to be
		deferred to Decr. 31st 1910.

Berliner Sport	An application for a fixture at Everton
Club		on Apl. 19 1911 at a guarantee of £50
		was declined.

Alterations	The Secretary reported the receipt of
		certificate by Mr. Leitch in favor of
		Bramhams for £106.5.7 of which
		Heating & Hot water Balance	69.5.11
		Altering 4 chimneys		36.4. 2
		  "	Radiator		   15.6

		The further consideration thereof was
		deferred for the present.

					William Whitford