176 to the existing seats on the Shareholder's Stand. The representative of the Co. subsequently attended the meeting & upon being informed of the resolution he asked for an appointment to demonstrate to the Directors or a deputation thereof that the chairs could be fixed as to give the greatest degree of comfort. Messrs Bainbridge, Kelly & the Secretary were appointed to attend such demonstration & report. Ness The Secretary read letter from Ness stating that he would come down for a month's trial on payment of his Hotel & travelling expenses. Confirmed. Bootle League The Secretary read letter from Bootle League & he was instructed to inspect their ground. Advertising The proposal to advertise in the B'head advertiser was negatived. (see p. 173). Dinner for Resolved that the players be invited Players to dinner at Hotel St. George Aug. 29 at 7 pm. afterwards at Empire Theatre meeting at 6 pm. Billiard This item was ordered to be placed on Tables next agenda the Secretary meanwhile to obtain prices of second hand tables from L'pool makers.