172 Running That Howcroft's samples of running pumps pumps were accepted as cheaper & better quality. Turner That Turner & Makepeace respectively Makepeace had been granted permission by the Chairman to play cricket on the 15, 16 & 17th inst. Photographing The exclusive right to photograph the team team was granted to Richard Brown of Bold street. Hoardings The Secretary read draft agreement & same was approved for signature. Transfer of Geo Basnett Jr. Chris H. S. Basnett Shares 3 shares 15/- 400 to 402. Rob Wilson to C. L. Wilson 1 fully paid 2389 Passed. Ness The Secretary read letter from J. R. Ness accepting our terms for a months trial providing that if he did not suit us his amateur status would not be interfered with. The secretary was instructed to reply that he could not be both amateur & professional. Bootle League The Secretary was instructed to offer Sept 5 if their ground was improved in condition. Preston N. E. Resolved that as we had a public practice game no players be sent to the Relay race at Preston on the 20th inst.