171 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park August 16th 1910] Present Dr. Whitford Chair Messrs Bainbridge Davies Kelly Kirkwood Wade Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. The Secretary reported Wire Work That Bramham's were proceeding with wire work & that one piece only had been omitted from their tender. Railings That Clarkson had affixed the rails. That Bramhams had affixed a new valve to heating apparatus. Urinal That Townsend had completed the urinal. Drain That the Drain would be constructed next week. Tip up chairs That he had not received any reply from Addison & Co. hereon. Laundry That the Diamond Laundry Co. had meant stockings by the word socks & that repairs were included & that he had accordingly accepted their tender. Numbering That Ashcroft & Wilkie's tender meant seats ΒΌ per seat & that they were proceeding with the work.