£300 from Bgham for T. Jones.
To pay J. S. Maconnachie's expenses to
Burnley (re Spen Whittaker Match) 10/6.
To reply to Makepeace's application for
extension that he must report himself
here on the 16th inst. & that if selected
he would be allowed to play for his
County at Aigburth Aug. 22/24.
To reply to a letter from the
Theatrical Gala Committee sent to Mr.
Bainbridge that we had already
allocated our prospective practice
game receipts and had notified the
intended recipients.
Photograph I The Secretary read application from
team Stanfield for sole right to photograph
Brown the team on terms & he was instructed
to see R. Brown thereon & report.
Crelley The Secretary reported the receipt of
£15 from St. Helens Recs. the fee for the
Combination transfer of Jno. Crelley.
Transfer of Thos G. Tyrer to Wm. C. Cuff.
Shares 8 @ 15/- 1139/1143 and 2489/2491
1 @ 20/- 2304 passed.
Hoardings The Secretary read draft agreement
of tenancy of Hoardings and same
was approved.