166 heating apparatus so that the temperature of the dressing rooms may be better constructed. Urinals Resolved that Townsend & Co's tender for filling & cementing urinal floors @35/- per urinal (being at the rate of 5/6 per sup. yard) be accepted for one urinal only at present. The other tender (Trinidad Co.) was 9/3 per yard. Drain Mr Kelly recommended & it was resolved to employ a labourer to make trench for drain at the northend (Goodison Place). And that a shed to hold mower and roller be created at the back of the South Goal stand. And that Mr. Kelly & the Secretary decide what painting be done. Tip up Resolved that Messrs Addison & Co. Chairs be instructed to proceed forthwith with the installation of the whole of the Shareholders stand with tip up seats @ 4/9½ each, they to guarantee to replace all seats found defective during the succeeding 3 years, payment to be deferred until April 30 1911. Laundry The Secretary submitted tenders for