165 [Meeting of directors held at the Bradford Hotel August 9th 1910] Present All except Mr. Kirkwood Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Mr. Davies complained that he had not received notice of the meeting but that an unstamped envelope from the club had been delivered which he declined to receive. The Secretary was instructed to reprimand the boy. Wirework The Secretary submitted the following tenders for Wirework &c. Bramham & Co £28 McGovern £44.10.0 and reported that Bramham's charge for any additional wire work found necessary would be at the rate of about 6 per foot. Resolved that Mr. Kelly & the Secretary satisfy themselves that all work pointed out by them to the contractor is comprised in the tender and that thereupon that of Bramham's be accepted. The action of Mr. Kelly & the Secretary in instructing Clarkson to fix up preventive railings be confirmed. Resolved that a value be affixed to the