162 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Aug. 2nd 1910] Present All except Dr. Baxter Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Tip up The sample chair submitted by Messrs Chairs Addison & Co. Ltd. (with leather instead of rubber cushion under seat) at 4/9½ each was approved but it was decided to defer the acceptance of their tender for the present. Laundry Resolved that the proposal to fit up a Laundry be negatived & that the Secretary invite tenders for the work of washing & repairing outfits &c. Combination Resolved that the advertisement for a Match match for Septr. 3 be continued & that the League be asked to enforce our claim that Glossop visit us on that date in lieu of the weekday arranged All the clubs written to had replied that they were engaged. Ness The offer to Ness for an engagement from for a months trial at 35/- per week Sept. was confirmed. Nomads The arrangement for Home & Home matches with the Northern Nomads