160 Leinster The Secretary read a letter from this Football Association asking us to send our first Association team to play a representative eleven of their Association on 27th August & he was instructed to write regretting we could not. Preston North The Secretary read a letter from P. N. E. asking End us to allow 4 of our players to enter a relay race in their sports on August 20th Granted. — John Hannan The Secretary read a letter from this player asking to reduce his transfer fee (£75). He was instructed to write to get the club (Dundee) to make their best offer. B. Chetwood The Secretary read a letter from Watford F.C. saying they could not agree to the clause that should they at any time transfer him they pay us the whole amount received, but only up to the amount we have on him viz. £25, and he was instructed to write that we could not alter our terms. J. Martin The Secretary read a letter from a Mr. W. C. Kerr (Transvaal Goalkeeper) saying that J. Martin intended returning to this Country, and suggested that we give him a trial. He was instructed to reply that in the event of Martin returning to England we would give him a trial. William Whitford