158 [Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel, 28th July 1910] Present Dr. Whitford Chair Messrs E. A. Bainbridge Dr. J. C. Baxter W. R. Clayton J. Davies D. Kirkwood A. R. Wade. Minutes The minutes of the last two meetings were read & confirmed. Tip-up This matter was again deferred until Chairs next meeting. Fitting up of This matter was also deferred until next Laundry meeting. Ordering Dr. Whitford reported that Elliot had ordered of Stores 6 new Balls &c. without authority and it was resolved that in future all orders for Stores must be signed by the Chairman of the Stores Committee, also that a Stock Book be kept and all orders be entered in same and the Stock Checked periodically. New Results The Secretary was instructed to ask Mr. Leitch Board if it was possible to work this on a swivel to turn say 15° to the right and 15° to the left. Although not impossible. Mr. Leitch said it would not be advisable & it would take up too much space in the roof.