152 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park July 7th 1910] Present Dr. W. Whitford Chair W. R. Clayton D. Kirkwood B. Kelly A. R. Wade Minutes The minutes of the last meeting also of the last Finance Meeting were read & confirmed. Fixture Cards The Secretary submitted proofs from :- J. Broadley Ltd. Accrington, @ 6¾d each £22.10. for 800 Thos. Forman & Son Nottingham @ 6¾d " " Messrs J. Forman & Sons proof being approved their tender was accepted. Tenders The Secretary submitted tenders for alterations &c. for alterations from :- North Goal Stand Wm. Hall & Sons Ltd. - £254. 2. 0. Shareholders Lavatory J. & G. Chappell £249. 0. 0 Players Recreation Room Roberts & Thomas £243. 0. 0. Haugh & Pilling £225. 0. 0 J. Townsend & Sons £174. 0. 0. It was resolved that Townsends' tender be accepted, they to proceed with the work & have same finished to the satisfaction of the Directors by 1st August 1910. Tip-up Chairs The Secretary submitted photo & tender for 1000 Chairs from Hy. Addison & Co. Ltd. Wellington Salop - deferred until next meeting pending sample.