146 [Meeting of Directors held at The Bradford Hotel June 30 1910] Present All save Mr. Clayton. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Assistant The Secretary reported the appointment Trainer of H. E. Cooke as Assistant Trainer at a salary of £2.5.0 per week he to commence his duties on July 25th confirmed. Shareholders The Secretary reported that Seats goal stand Mr. Kelly was preparing the Lavatories &c. specification for these alterations. Billiard room &c. Dr. Broad The Secretary read letter from Dr. Broad stating his terms for treatment of our injured players viz at his house or at Hospital 10/6 per visit at player's residence or elsewhere 21/- do. Resolved that these terms be accepted and Dr. Whitford & Baxter were heartily thanked for their offer to attend & act as honorary medical officers. Alterations The Secretary reported the following payments Mortons Ltd. £690 A. Leitch £570.2.9 & that the latter had promised to erect results board free to us by Septr 1st.