143 Alterations The Secretary read letter from Mr. Leitch (Arbitrators as Arbitrator awarding us the sum of Award) Eighty pounds under the Penalty Clause in Morton's Ltd. agreement and reported that he as Architect had granted to Morton's a certificate for £690 being the balance due them (£770 less £80 in respect of penalty) and it was resolved that cheque for £690 be sent to Francis Morton in full settlement of their a/c. Also that cheque for £570.2.9 be sent to Mr. Leitch in payment of balance of his fees subject to Mr. Leitch satisfying us as to the corrections of his charge and upon his undertaking to erect on our ground at his own expense and to be fully complete prior to Septr. 1st 1910 a results board of the value of £100. Sports Board The Secretary was instructed to obtain offers for the purchase of our sports board and sundry wooden chairs. McFarlane The Secretary was instructed to reduce McFarlane's transfer fee to £25. Shares The Secretary was instructed to register the shares of and pay the Dividend in respect of the shares of Mr. E. B. Gardner to his father Mr. Edward Gardner upon having an indemnity from the latter.