142 Len Woods And that Woods had filled up form of particulars of injuries. Insurance That he had insured the Telephone installation. Mr. McKenna The Secretary was instructed to send a congratulatory letter to Mr. McKenna on his elevation to the League Presidency. Dr. Whitford who had taken the chair reported the proposal to hold a complementary dinner to Mr. McKenna on the 29th inst. at Adelphi Hotel. Transfers Ellen Dickinson to Jno. Hy Tweedley shares 1 fully paid share 2332 1 fully paid share 1423 Frederick Wm. Maver to Joseph Scott 1 fully paid share No. 2297 2 partly paid shares 985 & 986 Robert E Bredson to Charles Wm. Bridson 3 partly paid shares 130 to 132 Margaret Mahon (H. G. Mahon dec.) to A. E. Paul 3 partly paid shares 1420 to 1422 Margaret Mahon (Geo Mahon dec.) to A. E. Paul J. v 3 partly paid shares 8 to 10 Winifred Mahon to Frank Dickinson 1 fully paid share No. 2288 1 partly paid share No. 517 Passed Aston Villa The Secretary reported the receipt from Villa of £4.6.0 balance due on pooling gates.