141 April 17 Tottenham Away Decr. 27 Liverpool Home The gates Home & Away with Tottenham to be pooled & equally divided. We to provide facilities enabling Notts Forest to travel from L'pool so as to reach Bristol the same evening. The deputation agreed with L'Pool that they should have the right to a home League fixture on Septr. 1 1911 and thereafter alternately with us. Assistant The Secretary reported that Cooke was Trainer willing to take this post at 45/- per week he to live at Liscard & it was resolved that he be appointed & that his engagement be commenced towards the end of July. Shareholders Resolved that an estimate be obtain Seats for 1000 tip up seats. North Goal Also for roofing the north goal stand Stand &c. & Players Billiard room walls & Sanitary arrangements on Bullens Road Stand. Tranmere The Secretary reported the transfer of Rovers Buck, Butler & Anderson as arranged.