[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park
June 21 1910]
Present All except Dr. Baxter.
Minutes The minutes of the Annual Meeting
& of the last two Board Meetings were
read & confirmed.
Chairman Mr. Kelly proposed
Mr. Wilson seconded
and it was unanimously resolved
that Dr. Whitford be elected Chairman.
Vice do Mr. Wilson proposed
Mr. Davies seconded
and it was unanimously resolved
that Mr. Wade be elected Vice Chairman.
Mr. Kirkwood was hearty thanked
for his services in the chair during
the past year.
F.A. Meeting Dr. Whitford reported hereon.
League Mtg. Mr. Clayton reported hereon.
Fixtures The Secretary reported that the undated
fixture & rearranged fixtures were
as follows
Septr 1 Tottenham Home
Dec 26 Newcastle Away
Jan 2 do Home
Apl 14 Notts Forest Home